kandles12 replied to your post “Remainder that allowing your dog to become obese is just as abusive…

replied to your post
“Remainder that allowing your dog to become obese is just as abusive as…”

is there a good way to tell if really fluffy dogs are overweight? I always feel like our shelties are overweight, but they’re like 90% fur so I can’t really tell. The vet always says they’re fine, so I’m not too concerned… I just wish I could tell.

Shelties can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, so a standard for them differs. But, just by feeling you can be able to tell if they are a good weight. Your dog’s belly should curve upwards, called the tuck, and not sit straight across (different for some breeds). You can tell with adorable Kaj, here, that his chest is low, then it curves upwards towards his belly ( @lambdalupi )

You should be able to feel the ribs with a slight layer of fat in between, like if you were to place your hand flat on a table and feel your own knuckles. In general, your dog should just be proportioned. Their sides shouldn’t stick out further than their body. Here is another good looking sheltie, @spartathesheltie.

These shelties are adorably petite, and maybe not what you’re used to seeing, but the same rules apply for larger type shelties. Giving them a bath will show you their true form!