Hi! I just got my first puppy, a golden retriever. He’s awesome but my cat hates him! Beau was raised with the breeder’s cats and he doesn’t chase or bother them. My female cat, Lola gets along with him fine and even snuggles up with him but Chico will attack him if he even sees him. Beau won’t even know Chico is there so he’s not instigating. I’ve gotten the heck scratched out of my legs getting in between this. I know you’re a dog blog but do you have any advice/resources that might help? Thx!

Sounds like your puppy is doing great, but Chico might need some time. Here are a few links with ways to introduce cats to dogs:

American Human

Depending on your puppy’s age, be very careful. If he’s going through a fear period and Chico reacts badly, it can cause some legit fear and even aggression that could be really really difficult to deal with later. 

Good luck, and give Beau some scritches for me!
