handsomedogs: handsomedogs: Guess the Breed(s)(rules) Gunner is…



Guess the Breed(s)

Gunner is 2 years old, 27 inches at the withers, and 57-60 pounds! He is extremely rambunctious (a forever puppy, if you will), extremely keen on licking your face off and loving you, extremely driven by food, extremely interested in rodents… You get the picture! Outside, he’d run until he died if he could. Inside, he’s an incredibly needy whiny baby who just wants to snuggle. He loves everybody he meets, but has an extra special amount of love and specific loyalty to us, his family. He’s also very sensitive to and aware of our emotions. He can be picky about other dogs, but is usually fairly neutral and cares more about being with us, anyway (and our other dog, who he gets along with very well).

Gunner is 62.5% 1 breed, 12.5% another, and 25% mixed!

And Gunner is…!!!!!

62.5% American Staffordshire Terrier (practically a purebred!), 25% mixed breed (with most likely candidates being from the sporting & hound groups), and 12.5% Golden Retriever.