Do you follow Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary on Facebook? It’s such a wholesome page and the comments people leave are the sweetest. It’s so easy to get attached to dogs you’ve never met.

Of course, we love @old-friends-senior-dog-sanctuary ❤️

I have a neighbor who keeps his beautiful yellow lab locked up in the backyard, all day everyday. She is the sweetest dog I have ever met. But her owners do not give her the attention she needs. She is healthy, so clearly they feed her, but she cries all day. I go out a couple times a day to talk to her a give her treats. What can be done? I need advice from you and the tumblr community.

Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do as long as she has adequate shelter and access to fresh water. I would talk to the owners, maybe offer to walk her or play with her while they’re away?  I don’t like…

I saw that you had answered a comment about diet food and weight loss in dogs. And I had another question that pertains to that. We have a very obese Samoyed and we already give her less food than she needs. She has very bad hip dysplasia and cannot exercise for this reason. And she just hasn’t lost any weight… so you have any suggestions?

Have you taken her to a vet? She might have a thyroid issue that retains weight and might need medication or a specific diet.  Other things you can do, besides monitoring her food, are nosework games (hiding her dinner so…

So a problem with my dog is that she likes chewing apart panties. Mostly we just try to make sure she can’t reach them, but sometimes things happen – we forget to close the door, or she pulls one out of my mum’s purse. (She even had a storage under her bed to save for later) So what I’m asking is do you have any tips on how to stop her, other than hiding my underwear? She has diff toys, and I’m pretty sure she knows she’s not supposed to eat them, since she always looks guilty when she’s done it

Unless you can catch her EVERY SINGLE TIME she gets a pair of underwear to redirect her, there isn’t really a way to stop it. Chewing on undies is obviously pretty rewarding to her, or she wouldn’t be doing it. What…

Is there a good way to get my dogs to stop going nuts when they see a squirrel/small animal while we are on a walk? I normally just try to walk away but as the weather starts to cool down there are more and more squirrels out! I want to try to distract them but I’m afraid they will take the treats as reward. Any help is greatly appreciated!!

I used counter-conditioning/ desensitization (CC/DS) and look at that (LAT) to teach my dog! Basically, you teach your dog to look to you anytime he sees or hears a squirrel. It does take time – we’ve been working on it…

I’ve had my chiuahuha mix for 11 years now (since I was a kid) and she’s been with me through everything, getting married, moving states, and now fiding out that I’m pregnant. She’s super sweet but she like a lot of dogs has to have a warming period before she trusts a new human (it took about 2 weeks and a million treats before she would go near my husband or let him near me) my question I guess is how can I go about introducing her to the new baby as stress free for all of us as possible?

Congrats!! Introducing a baby is much different than introducing a stranger. It’s a good idea to start introducing all your new baby items gradually, instead of all at once, and months in advance. We first moved a table to accommodate…