So my dog is terrified of vacuums. But we recently got a roomba (small robot vacuum a little bigger than a dinner plate) that moves around on its own and makes a ton of noise and she’s totally fine. Just wondering if others have had similar experince
So my dog is terrified of vacuums. But we recently got a roomba (small robot vacuum a little bigger than a dinner plate) that moves around on its own and makes a ton of noise and she’s totally fine. Just wondering if others have had similar experince

So my dog is terrified of vacuums. But we recently got a roomba (small robot vacuum a little bigger than a dinner plate) that moves around on its own and makes a ton of noise and she’s totally fine. Just wondering if others have had similar experince

Vacuums are loud, big, and create a scary barrier between you and your dog. They also move in jerky, forward motions, then retract. I’m almost frightened describing them. Roombas on the other hand.. well…

Hey there. I’m living with a wonderful chi/rat terrier mix. We are in the middle of a behavior mod plan for getting her outdoors, but it’s very slow going. Any advice for moving things along? I feel like she’s not fully experiencing the wonders of being a doggy by staying inside all the time. Right now she’s terrified to even go down the stairs.

Of course working with a trainer is #1, but dogs work best with positive association. How can you make the steps rewarding? When a dog is fearful, unfortunately things have to go slow. Rushing a fearful dog will only cause…